Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Willie Bean for Mayor!

Pugs and people, I have a new role model. With all of the political corruption (and since late last year, downright insanity here in Birmingham), it is refreshing to see a worthy candidate running for office. The quaint little gulf coast town of Fairhope, AL. is in the middle of a heated race for mayor. There's only one acceptable candidate, in my opinion. Willie Bean Roscoe P. Coltrane.

While I think it would be best to have a pug holding office, I give my support to this Labrador.

Willie Bean for Mayor!

1 comment:

Puddleglum said...

On behalf of the opposition candidate, I would like to state that this nominee gets WAY too much positive press. I mean, it's like the blogosphere is his own personal ad agency. Sheesh! What does the other guy have to do? Something not-prickly and warm-fuzzy, or perhaps generous and kind-hearted?

Because as his rep, I can say he is SO totally not doing that.