Friday, November 7, 2008


I has some sad news for all the pugs out there. We really thoughts maybe this time we could gets a reprentative in the White House. Well, Mom just heard Mr. New President's first pressing brief and he says that one of his daughters has allergies. Us pugs get a bad rap about those allergicens thingies as you all know.

So, it looks like it's gonna be some kinds of dog that doesn't make people sneeze. I mean, us pugs sneeze all the time so that's a pretty big sign we really are allergy balls. We's even allergic to ourselves maybe!

So, let's hope they can find a labra-doodle-doo rescue or something.

Snorts and Sneezes,

Harry P.


Kelly said...

Oh Harry, I was pulling for a White House puggie too! Mom says they might have to change the name to 'Fawn House' if they got a pug, cuz our house is always covered in fawn puggie furs! I don't know what she's talkin' bout.

Have a fabulous weekend!

Eduardo said...

OHHHHH So no puggle either? :(
Hugs & Snugs
Eduardo the Snuggle Puggle

Puddleglum said...

Sad day! I want a puggie rep.

I hear that puggles are beter with the allergy stuff.

Archie and Melissa said...

ooooh harry!
we wanted a first pug in the white house too! maybe they won't notice the hair and dust we shed and collect.
m & e

The Devil Dog said...

We wanted a pug too! A Labradoodle? Give me a break. Us pugs are hard to beat. Oh well, you win some and you lose some.


Nevis said...

Man! That sucks...I was really rooting for FIRST PUG!