Hello, My name is Harry Pugalicious. Welcome to my blog.
The layout is still under construction, my Mom has good intentions - but sometimes she gets busy with other things. I personally don't see how that "J-O-B" thing takes up so much time, but my sad-looking little blog is a very good example of how much she neglects me for it.
Just to catch you up on things, I'm 1 1/2 years old. I was born in Georgia, surrendered from a breeder at 14 months and adopted by my Mom a month later. Now I live in Alabama with her and Midi T. Kitty.
So, I've been here 4 months now (yesterday was my 4 month anniversary). Here are some pics from the past few months.

That's me sleeping in my first morning in my new home. That's Buddha with me.

That's me playing.

I love my fortune cookie!


Me and Mom out on the town.

I really wanted my own glass of pinot noir.