Hey there puggies. I hopes all of you are keeping warm and toasty because it's cold out there! Our weather got really cold on Sunday. Of course, when Mom should have been cooking us lots of warm food for our tummies, she was out driving around taking some pug named Pugsley to Georgia.
What's that LuLu? Oh, he was a rescue? Well, I guess that's OK.
Mom says Pugsley is a cute older gentlepug whose family can't takes the good care of him anymore. She said he's really cute. What do you thinks?

She also said he remindeds her of me. He had a teddy bear that he hugged and chewed on all the way to Georgia!

Don't you worries about Pugsley though. The good people at
SEPRA are gonna take great care of him and he even gets to go lives with LuLu's foster mom. Hmmm, wonder why Mom didn't take LuLu too...
Anyways, when Mom finally gots back to us she said she got home just in time. Right after she got in we gots rain that was frozen! It did that for a long time. Then it snowed!
The next day there was snow and ice all overs the place! Mom even gots to stay home with us because the roads were so bad. That means she kept trying to get us to go outside and play in all that cold stuff.
Um, can't you see how cold it is?

Seriously, my footsies are freezing! Take me in now!

LuLu wouldn't leave the porch, and when she finally did she found another porch to hide on.

Finally Mom let us do what we wanted. Snuggle!

We's hoping you all are keeping warm and your peoples don't make you go out in that cold, white stuffs.

P.S. We's not gonna be around next week 'cause we's being abandoneded. Maybe Mom will fill you in if she ever comes back to get us from our grandpawrents.