Bad Mom. Bad, bad Mom. She abandonded me this weekend. And tricked me! Here's what happened.
On the Saturday she took me to my girlfriends' house to watch the football game. There was lotsa yelling and screaming and jumping up and down. Then everything got really quiet. Mom and my auntie (not real auntie but I calls her that) said something about stupid quarters in the back and how that other team would have never won if LSU had had a quarter in the back. I dunno.
So, then we watchted a movie and ate some pizza and that was a lot of fun. Me and the mom stayed over there that night and that was kinda weird cause we usually only do that when my auntie is not there or when the peoples been dancing a lot and playing wii and acting silly. But whatever, that was fine with me.
Well, the next day - do you knows what happened the next day? They left! All of 'em. These two guys came over and they all left us. I got left in a crate - a CRATE! It wasn't all bad cause a friend of me and my girlfriends came over and played with us and let us watch the football game.
The football game where my Mom went. THAT is where she was. I's so sad to be left while my Mom goes to watch football. And to make things worse, the Saints lost - so why did she leave me in the first place? She could have watched that with me.
She said I should let you see pictures. Whatever.
Here's my Mom and my auntie

Saints coming onto the field

My mom and her friends who abandonded me

More Saints