Here the terms of this award:
1. Publish a post on your blog - referring who awarded you.
2. Share 5 things you like to do .
3. Share or pass this award to 10 friends.
Hmmmm... only five things? Ok, I's gonna try to only name five.
Five things I, Harry Pugalicious loves to do:
1. Snuggle with my Mom
2. Get in my toy box with my stuffies
3. Play with my stuffies - especially Tiger and Froggie
4. Beg for food from my buddy J.
5. Sleep
10 friends I am showing pug love to are:
Some of yous may have gotten this, but I's giving to you anyway.
Gus Gus @ the Posse - Mom's in love with him
The Urban Pugs
To all of my puggie and non-puggie friends I says "Happy Turkey Day!"
Harry my sweetness,
Thank you for the award!! You are so nice!
Tomorrow, on Thanksgiving, I want you to remember that there is a little puggy girl in Oklahoma who is VERY thankful for YOU!!!
Pearly Poo
Hi - Harry - Thank you for the award - I will post about it after the Holiday. My mom's and I are so busy getting all the Thanksgiving day food ready. Well mom is getting ready and I am helping clean up the droppings he he he. Hope you enjoy your Turkey Day too!
Harry, Gus Gus thanks you for the award! He will do his best to post it on our blog, even though he's not so good with words ;-)
Happy Thanksgiving! We're thankful for such good friends like you :-)
Pug hugs and kisses!
The Pug Posse
Harry you are a sweet guy, let your mom know that our mom loves Gus Gus too!
Hi Harry! Congrats on your award. I love your list of things you love to do, but I'm surprised that sleep came in last place. Hmmm. Maybe I'm the only puggie that sleeps all day.
Stubby xoxo
Happy Thanksgiving to you my friend.
We have been blessed by being bloggy friends with you.
We enjoyed reading about the things you like to do.
Happy Thanksgiving buddy! Did you share turkey with Midi?
Thanks so much for the award Harry! I hope you had a great Thanksgiving. Did you snag some foodables?
I'd never even considered getting in a toy box with my stuffies -- how very Scrooge McDuckian of you to dive into your most prized possessions.
I was out of town for Thanksgiving, but I humbly and tardily accept the award now. Hope you had a fun turkey day.
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