First off, Happy Mardi Gras to everpuggie and person! We didn't really decorate the blog this year cause we's still basking in the glow of the Black & Gold! We also didn't really talk about Valentine's Day either. Maybe Mom's just jealous cause I gots all kinds of Valentines and she gots nothing!
First, my most favorite Japanese Chin in the whole world sent me a special delivery for Valentine's! Pumpkin sent me this really cute card, a duckie and a cookie! I made Mom give me cookie bites every night at bedtime (and one night I even went to the bedroom early and wouldn't come down until she gave me a cookie bite!)
See my card?

Pumpkin said to imagine that was a Japanese Chin with that puggie!
Here's my duckie! He's got no stuffings and I loves squeaking him and shaking him. When I's not playing with him, I keep him in my bed.

Cookie! It's gone now, but here's what it looked like. Yummy looking, huh?

I also gots Valentine's cards from Lola & Pugsley and from Ace & Boo Bear!

For Valentine's Day I gots a special visit! My girlfriend Libby and her brother Louis came up to see me. Look at the pressies Libby brought me! I gots a stuffy and a bone thingie that's supposed to make my mouth smell all kissable.

Oh, you noticed the second present too? Mom didn't open my other present. She said somethings about it being for my little sister. What? I don't gots no little sister. I gots a big sister, Midi. No little sister!
I loves my Auntie Brooke. She may have two pugs but I thinks she loves me the mostest!

Love pugs :-)

I hopes you all hads good Valentine's Days.
Little sister?
Happy belated heart day Harry!
All of your Valentines goodies have re-confirmed the fact, for the 1000th time, that I am a bad girlfriend. Please still love me Harry.
I can't WAAAIIIT to hear all about this alleged new sister! I am living vicariously through you!!
Happy late V-Day, my sweetness.
Pearlie Pie
Oh Harry, I am so glad you enjoyed your pressie!
You better watch out because I think the puppy fairy might be scoping out your house!
Harry, you got a lot of nice cards and pressies. The parents are still shakin' there heads about all the cards we got too. Definitely jealously going on... bol!
Stella, Gunther and Betty
Hi Harry!
Penny and I hope you had a great
Valentines Day! That is one big cookie!
Have a great week!
-Dana & Penny
Fun! I LOVE presents too! I'm so excited about hearing about your new lil sis. Did you Mommy decide which name she's going with?
Oh Harry my love.... who are these other girls posting on your page? I think you better call some reporters and book a private press conference and give me a world televised apology!
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