I guess the weekend really gots started Thursday night when we went to visit a friend of the Momma's. Her friend has a really short and really long dog called a dachshund. I calls her Lucy, but Mom says she's a dachshund. She's not very nice to me and the LuLu but I still eats her food. I's not afraid of anything - especially not when it's shorter than me. Well, unless it's a puppy. Puppies are scary.
Friday night we stayed at home and watched the TV which I loves to do. We hads to rest up for Saturday. Saturday means Farmer's Market. And Farmer's Market means lots of petting and ooohhing and aaahhing over me!
Me and LuLu were ready to go!

I wanted to be the first pug out of the car so I sats on my stroller on the driver to the market.

I likes to get right on the edge of our pugmobile so people don't misss me and they can easily reach over and pets me. LuLu says I's hogging the attention, but I's just protecting her since she's so shy.

Later that day we wents to the pug lady's house across the street from us. She has a bunch of rescue pugs and some foster pugs. There was a meeting over there to talk about Alabama Pug Rescue's Pug 'n Pumpkins event coming up in a few weeks.
I hopes this means I gets to go!
There was a non-pug there hanging out with the pugs and pug peoples. His name was Boris. I's thinking he's Russian, right? Well, he says he's French. Uh-huh. Mom had troubles getting a good pic of him but she kept going on and on and on about how cute he was.

He's a year old and he says he's a French bulldog. I's not sure. I think he's a Russian frog.

How abouts you?