So, some things happened tonight that made me have to remind Mom about some things we agreed to early in our relationship. I think maybe I need some witnesses, so I present to all of you:
The LuLu Contract
As a LuLu I have permission to do any of the following* without question:
Jump off the sofa anytime my Momma gets up.
Bark, and I do mean BARK at anyone and anything - anytime I want to.
Scratch at the door and bark whenever Mom leaves and doesn't take me.
Scratch at the door and whine when Mom comes home.
Become obsessed with cute boy dogs I meet. Especially if he is a red doberman named Leo.
Get jealous of my brother for any reason.
Be super silly in the mornings and crawl all over my Mom because I'm so happy we get to spend another day together.
Tallulah Babygirlpug aka LuLu

Smooches to everypug. Thanks for being my witnesses!
*The LuLu permissions are not limited to the list above and may be added to at anytime.
Those sound like totally valid and reasonable things to do without having to get permission. And wow, Lulu, a red doberman? You like those big boys, huh? :)
Sweet Lulu
I love your contract, and I think it is so important to bring it up and address it with your mom.
I loved your list, and I do think it is complete ,,,, until you think of something else to add.
A very wise girl you are.
And too cute to mention
Lulu, I do that jump off the couch anytime Mom moves thing too. I just can't contain myself!! PS you are adorable!
Sounds totally reasonable to me!
Are you drafting up a totally separate contract with regard to foodables and treatables???
I'd be happy to look said contract over for you (free of charge!) when I see you in pugson next month!
S-Dog, Esq.
A perfect contract!!!!
Reasonable contract without any doubt.
~Baby and Lucy
I like these. I may adopt them as my own, if that's okay with you?
I think this contract is perfectly acceptable, Lulu. You are so cute!
My momma is soooo jealous that you get all excited when your momma comes home. Sometimes my momma can't even get me to get out of my bed and come see her. :(
I don't know Lulu, I think you gotta get paid as part of a contract. You might need to add something like "I shall be paid 1 hot dog per day." or something. Don't let Menace broker your deal though or you'll only get 90% of a hot dog.
lulu, those are wonderful things on your contract! as a pug, you should do what ever your little heart desires.
Lulu, could we hire you to draw up our contracts? You are a great Pugyer.
Kitty and Coco
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