What's that LuLu? Oh, he was a rescue? Well, I guess that's OK.
Mom says Pugsley is a cute older gentlepug whose family can't takes the good care of him anymore. She said he's really cute. What do you thinks?

She also said he remindeds her of me. He had a teddy bear that he hugged and chewed on all the way to Georgia!

Don't you worries about Pugsley though. The good people at SEPRA are gonna take great care of him and he even gets to go lives with LuLu's foster mom. Hmmm, wonder why Mom didn't take LuLu too...
Anyways, when Mom finally gots back to us she said she got home just in time. Right after she got in we gots rain that was frozen! It did that for a long time. Then it snowed!
The next day there was snow and ice all overs the place! Mom even gots to stay home with us because the roads were so bad. That means she kept trying to get us to go outside and play in all that cold stuff.
Um, can't you see how cold it is?

Seriously, my footsies are freezing! Take me in now!

LuLu wouldn't leave the porch, and when she finally did she found another porch to hide on.

Finally Mom let us do what we wanted. Snuggle!

We's hoping you all are keeping warm and your peoples don't make you go out in that cold, white stuffs.

P.S. We's not gonna be around next week 'cause we's being abandoneded. Maybe Mom will fill you in if she ever comes back to get us from our grandpawrents.
I'm really glad that you and Lulu got to snuggle some, Harry! I loves your dog bone blankie, btw! So cute! Stay warm little puggies!
You snuggle way too cute. Poor things, all that ice. At least we got all snow, and lots of it. It sure is cold though. We plan on doing a lot of that snuggling this weekend. Hope you get lots of treats with your grandparents!
I am happy you made it back into the warm house and got to snuggles...
That little Pugley looked like a little teddy bear- himself..
He is mighty cute,
Were happy he is going to stay where there is some love
It is hard to get used that snow for sure! We have it soooooooo long! Your mama is the best giving transport help! Now Harry you would miss Lulu if she was gone!
It is hard to get used that snow for sure! We have it soooooooo long! Your mama is the best giving transport help! Now Harry you would miss Lulu if she was gone!
That cold stuff is no fun! Be proud of your mom for helping pugs in need. It's hard to share the attention and what little time these humans seem to have for us. Mom reminds us every day that we are blessed to have a home, when many pugs do not. So we grudgingly let her do what she has to do. We feel your pain on that, but it's better than having all those pugs live with you!
Stay warm and dry. And be careful on that ice stuff. A pug can fall and break a hip!
Hi Harry!
I'm Mister Bean! I'm very happy to meet you! We have so much in common;we are from the South and I have a best friend named LuLu!
Come and visit me on my blog, 'k?
Mister Bean
Oh Harry, you should have your mommy drop you off at Mango's estate so you can pawty at MangoMinster with us!
oh you two look so snuggly and warm!
pugsley is so lucky to have your mom and so many people take care of him!
seeing you two and hearing your story made our day!
m & e
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