I's thinking Kitty & Coco probably already tolds you about our big Saturday, but I's gonna give you the Pugalicious scoop... the real poop as it were.
Last year me and the LuLu bug went to this thing called Paws in the Garden. For some crazy reason this garden place only lets dogs come in one day a year - so it's a REALLY BIG DEAL! We went again this year and this time we saw Kitty & Coco there and their peoples. That made it even more fun than last year!
(Mom tried to get pics of Kitty & Coco but they aren't real easy to take pictures of)
We met lots of other pugs there.

And we met lots of non-pugs.

This guy was some kind of mastiff/boxer mix. He was really big and sweet. I thinks LuLu had a little crush on him. I thinks she likes big mutts.

And she can not lie....
I knows, who am I kidding? I likes them too!

The best thing about Paws in the Garden? Treats!

Mom said she was happy to finally get a pic of my booty rolls. Sheesh, Mom!
After the garden thing, our peoples took us to a doggie park. The park was really fun and had all these weird things that the peoples called an agility course.
Pugs and Bostons doing agility?!?!

We gaves it a shot!

I's trying to get Coco to come withs me.
Kitty's Mom tried the old "chase the ball" trick.

We even went through this scary tunnel thing.

Well, some of us did.... LuLu chickened out.
I's hoping everypuggy is having a good Spring. I's also sending a big shout out to Archie and Tiffy - the newest bloggie members. Welcome pugs!!!!