After spending some quality time sleeping in (after we made the Mom get up and take us out and feed us!), we all got up and got ready to go to Paws in the Garden. It was big fundraiser for one of the area humane societies and the botanical gardens.
On the way, we stopped at Generation Dog and gots me a collar that would look good with the new collar LuLu got a few weeks ago.
Don't I looks handsome?

Yeah, I guess LuLu looks cute too.
You's probably wondering what we's doing on that table. Generation Dog was doing nail trims at the event and they asked me to help do a demonstration while it was slow. (I's an official spokespug for them, ya know) So, anyway... I was being all cute and good getting my paws trimmed. Then LuLu tried to steal my show.

She was little nervous in front of the crowd at first, but I showed her how to relax and bask in the fame.

We had a great time in our first big adventure as brother and sister.

It was a fun day, but we did lots of walking, so I was one tired puggy when I gots home! I couldn't even find the energy to play with my alligator egg..

Sunday it rained and turned cold again, so we just slept! Hope you all hads a good weekend too!
You two looks great! But keep your eyes on that sister of yours...I have to warns you! My sister uses her farts to have me pass out and steal toys. Just watch your nose Harry!!
Harry, you look dashing in your new collar. I didn't even notice Lulu. Really!
What a fun weekend. Glad to hear you are being a good big brother :)
Pugs & Kisses,
Yoda & Brutus
You two were the best dressed duo with those cool looking collars.
Harry love,
I bet you stole the show! You looked sooo cute!
And Momma says Lulu looks adorable! She loves her sweet face! I hope after a while, she'll relax and be able to un-tuck her cute tail.
Hi Harry!
Looks like you had a great weekend!
That was nice of you to attend the
fundraiser, and show off your sexiness!
I bet more people and dogs came
because you and your sister
were there!
Penny and I hope you have a great week!
-Dana & Penny
Harry, you look fabulous! Lulu doesn't look bad either. ;)
Harry, ol' buddy ol' pal!
Dig the new collar. So....hows that new sister workin' out for ya? Keep 'er in line, bud.
Ugh! I hate having my nails clipped! You are amazing for being so good about it!
hi harry and lulu!
oh you two look wonderful in your new collars!
i just love them and hearing all about your fun day!
m & e
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