Monday, March 10, 2008

A Note from Midi

Hello, Midi T. Kitty here. I understand there are some people out there concerned about my well-being since this pug has invaded my home. So, I've locked that creature in the bathroom closet (not hard to do, he gets himself stuck in there all the time) and I've taken over his blog.

To all of you who are worried about me, I'm okay. I maintain my status as queen of the house, even though I do have to put up with him. I see him as my court jester. He's a bit annoying but I use him for my amusement. Not to mention, the guilt that I'm now able to make my mom suffer results in many treats for me.

Thanks for all of your kind thoughts and concern. Rest assured, Midi T. Kitty will not let a little pug stand in the way of her happiness.

Purrs and Kisses,



Le Mops said...

Midi, how did you get him in da bathroom closet? I could use that trick on the lil alien! House Invaders are the worst! *snort*

Harry Pugalicious said...


It's not difficult. I push his tiger or a chew bone into the closet and he goes in after it. 9 out of 10 times he pushes the door closed. heehee :-)

Unfortunately Mom has caught on to this and usually remembers to shut the closet door really good. Sigh.

Your cohort in keeping the young pugs down,
Midi T. Kitty