Hey pugs and peoples. I's back after a very hard weekend. Mom made me moves! We went from our apartment where I's always lived since I met my Mom to a big house! The house has a yard too! It's very exciting, but moving is not very exciting.
First of alls, Mom made me and Midi get up at the crack of dawn on Friday (she was off work, why were we gettings up so early?). Then, some guys came over and before they could even give me lots of attentions, Mom put me and Midi in my crates (I gots two of them) and those peoples started taking all of our furnitures away!
Midi said she's seen this happen before. She told me that Mom used to have pugs before me and everytime the peoples came and took the furnitures away, Midi and Mom would go live where the furniture went but the pug had to stay in the empty place.
I was really worried but then Mom told me it was gonna be OK and nobody was leavings me. Midi said Mom takes all the funs out of everything. She made that story up! Can you believes it?
So, they came and got everything and then Mom put me and Midi in the car and went to the place where all the furniture had gone. My friend Mr. J was there and he and Mom spent ALL DAY unpacking boxes and moving furniture around.
Midi helped with the unpacking.

I was kinda worried and didn't know what to do with myself so Mom found a chew chew she took away from me a while back and I held onto it (and ate it) all day.

After three days of working hard, we's got things looking kinda normal and now we gots a backyard that I can run around in and Midi has lots of windows to look out of.

We gots more pictures from the move, but I's too tired to post anymore. I hopes all of you puggies and peoples had a fun 4th of July. I had fun barkings at the boom boom pows!
OK - I hear my stuffies calling me for another nap. (yeah, they made the move too!)