We's been tagged by my girlfriend Clementine to do this:
1) open the folder that has your pet pics in it
2) choose one you haven't posted before
3) tell its story
4) tag 5 friends
It wasn't easy!!!! Mom posts most of my piccies up here, so it took her a while to finds one.

That's me, Harry Pugalicious. This piccie was takens outside one of my favoritist restaurants, Rojo. Mom thinks it was after a Do Dah Day thing last year. If that's true, it was on my birthday weekend when I turned two! I got lots of chippies that day and a sip of Bud light.
So, now I gots to tag some puggies.
Rosie Marie
Clover & Chewy
Napoleon and Rukia
Has funs!
Harry, my sweet,
That is a charming picture of you! AND you got some beer! What a great day!
I am so excited your mom signed up for Chemo Angels! Yippeeee!
hi harry!
what a cute picture of you!
we always love to see what you and your mom are doing!
m & e
Harry! That is such a cute pic of you!! And thanks for tagging me. I will play today!
Harry, that's a great picture of you!!! It looks like you were having a great time!
Pug hugs and kisses!
The Pug Posse
Hi Harry
Oh we get to play tag!
Thank you, I just played recently, but will play again.
That picture of you is so cute.
I want to come kiss you.
Glad to see your havin fun!
love ya
Mmmm, Bud Light. The pugs life.
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