Well, Mom thought of bunches of names before she adopted me and was waiting to meet me before she decided on one. Once she met me she felt like Harry was a good name for me and she didn't want to force any other changes on me. But she felt like Harry didn't really convey all of my personality - so she added the "Pugalicious". I thinks she did good - I's very pugalicious! (Yeah, I blow kisses...)
Hmmm... I wants to know why Coco is called Coco (Happy Birthday, dude!) and I's also wondering about Frances who, like Coco, lives in Florida.
Pumpkin also gave me this award.

When accepting this award, you must blog about the food you have stolen when your humans were not watching…If you have never stolen any food, you must be a really good pup!! You can accept this yummy tray of cookies as your reward! Next add the logo of this award to your Blog (optional), then nominate at least 5 other furry blogs and let them know by leaving a message on their Blogs…
I's too short to steal much food - I can't reach the counters! Mom actually spent lots of time thinkings about this and she only knows about when I's gone into her purse and gotten my treats out. I says, what she doesn't know won't gets me in trouble!
I's gonna tag these puggies:
Now for a pic in case anypuggie misses me.

Thanks Harry and I always miss seeing your cute face :)
Thanks for sharing how you got your name, Harry! And that's such a wonderful pic of wonderful you!
Harry, your name is so perfect for you! I can't imagine you as anything else!
You are such a good boy for not eating very many bad things. I will REALLY have to take some time constructing my list!! Thanks for tagging me!
Harry you so funny sometimes...thanks for adding a pic of you at the end ;)
You are Harry Pugalicious and you could never be anyone else!!! I always love seeing your bright smiling face!!! =)
Harry, if you're too short to reach the counters you gotta get creative. I have gotten very good at snatching stuff from "Honey's" open top trash in the kitchen. He He He. I don;t do it often, so they are not expecting it.
I like the name Harry. It's very sturdy and manly!
Hey Mr. Pugalicious! What's happening?
hi harry!
oh congratulations on your award!
have a super day!
m & e
If you can get mom to stop cutting your nails long enough, you can scale the cabinets. Anything for a brownie!
Hi Friend! Thank you for the birthday wishes! I was on vacation (a.k.a. last week of mom's class so she didn't have much time to blog). I will post this award now, thank you!
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