Libby lives down in Montgomery - you's heard me talk about her before. Our Moms hooked us up and she's in love with me. I's not bragging. I's just stating the facts. I's got proof!

See what I means?
So, this past weekend Mom came home from work early on Friday and we got in the car and headed south. Libby was so exciteds to see me! Our Moms were celebrating Oktoberfest with some other peoples. (that just means they went out and drank lots of beer) They left me and Libby locked in the kitchen together.
I hates to talk bad about Libby, but just so some of you other puggies (and one little Japanese Chen) know... when Mom got home I met her at the door! I had to get out of the kitchen cause Libby was all over me! See, I's not that kind of dog. I likes the romance! It wasn't easy either.. I hads to squeeze through the bars on the gate. I did that for you Clementine! And you, Rosie! You too, Pearlie-poo! And, of course you... Pumpkin!
Saturday morning Mom and me drove back to Birmingham... and took Libby with us! I couldn't believes it! At first I thought she was gonna come live with me. I like her, but I's not ready to get married or anything! As it turns out, her Mom came up later and we all had a great time watching football and playing with all my stuffies.
Sunday we wents to the brunch. It's been a long time since me and Mom went to Jackson's for brunch, so I was really excited to go! They were so happy to see me there. Everybody thought Libby was really cute too.

I had to rides in the back of the car when we went places with Libby. I's never done that before, but I handled it OK.

We were both really tireds after brunch. Only pugs aren't used to having to play so much! So, we tooks a nap on the way home.

Oh Harry, though I am slightly jealous of all your time with Libby, she IS awfully cute!
Just remember all of us girls who love you from afar, ok? If I could hop in the car and come watch football with you, I'd be there in a heartbeat!
PS My mom says to tell your mom that my mom's work blocked facebook and she can't get on ALL day! Isn't that unfortunate!?
Harry, Libby is way cute (and you, of course, are incredibly handsome)! It's hard having someone around 24/7 when you're used to being by yourself, but you handled it really well.
We loved the story of the
"little crush" that Libby has on you. This is toooo darn cute.!
Hi Harry - I think that Libby looks a little too young for you - maybe she can be like a little sister. You look so cute in the back of the car looking at your mom like - hello - I am back here what is going on???
Very cute pics.
hi harry!
oh my gosh! yo and libby look so cute together! two cutie patooties! you are a very good host!
m & e
A hussy like that probably farts on dates too!
Harry, it's nice that you and Libby had a good time together. It's also very nice that you haven't forgotten your loves from other states!!
Libby looks cute and super smalls! We think you two could be good friends...yep! We think you guys were just precious taking a nap.
Harry, buddy! How lucky are YOU??? A cute girlfriend and a beer-drinkin', football-watchin' mom.....dang!
Lovely Libby!! Toooo cute!!!!
My goodness! It sounds like The Liberator tried to have her way with you! Good thing that you got out of there!
Jemima Jones Beck
Libby is SO cute and it looks like she's quite smitten with you!!!!
We agree with Heather and Wally on this...we think that hussy Libby needs her own bloggie! Tell her mommy to get on the stick!
It's good to have another pug to snuggle with, especially when it starts getting cold outside.
Happy Monday Harry! Hugs to you and your momma! (ok, ok... you too Midi!)
What a woman!
So Libby needs a blog huh? Oh my I will have to work on that. I'm afraid Pumpkin and the other gals might get even more jealous of the little "Golddigging Liberator."
She knows Harry is famous, so she's just after him for her pugarazzi moments.
This is too cute, love it!
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