Me and the Mom went to Howl-o-Ween at Generation Dog! (although it was actually next door at a pizza place... NOM!) Mom has been workings on my costume and her costume all week. You's already seen the humiliating piccies of me in those fishnets. Well, here's what the Mom calls "Phase 2" of the costume.

I let her know just how I was feelings about my costume.

You's still wondering where this is going, aren't you? I know. So was I - believe me!
Once we got to the pizza place, I saw lots of other doggies dressed up (although none with fishnets, so I quickly removed mine!).
There was this big bully dog - he was some kindof martian arts thing I think.

And a crawfish! Mom says it's a lobster, but it's too small to be a lobster, so it must be a crawish!

Oh, and there was cake!

Finally, we puts on all of our costumes for judging. Know who I ams?

I's the monster from Where the Wild Things Are!!!! Mom is Max (although maybe she's Maxine cause she's pink!!!)

The humiliation was worths it. We won two prizes! For both of them we got gift certificates for the pizza place AND Generation Dog! I can't waits to spend all my winnings at Genearation Dog! It's gonna be great!
The fun keeps coming too! Mom says Saturday is Pugfest. YAY!!!!
Awww you two look so cute! We were wondering what you were going to be!
How creative! So glad you won!
Hi Harry
It looks to us like you both had a great time, and you both looked very scary. Free stuff always makes things more worth it.
GREAT costume Harry! Yous guys look SUPER!!!
Congratulations on your win, Harry! What a cute costume! Gift certificates for pizza sounds like a winner to us!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
Cool that you won, Harry and Harry's mom!! Hm.... Harry as a Wild Thing...type casting you think? Heeeeeeee!
Great costumes you guys! Congratulations on the winnings:D.
Congrats on your win!!! You deserve it!!!
Awesome costumes! We were a little worried about the fishnets, but we're glad you won!!!
Pug hugs and kisses!
The Pug Posse
Harry, you makes the cutest Wild Thing. How original of your Mommy to think of. COngratulations on winning, you both surely deserve it!
two prizeys! wahooo!
OMG Harry that is so cute! From the fishnets I thought you were going to be someone from Rocky Horror so I was so surprised by your costumer. You make a great wild thing! I wons my Halloween costume contest last night too and I'll bark all about it later.
I am so glad you guys won! You were the most creative AND the cutest!
Congrats you Wild Thang!!!
Great costumes!!!
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