Later that night, when Mom and Grandmom were out having fun without me, something else came to visit me. Snow! It wasn't a whole lot, but there was still some left for me to sniff and pee on the next morning.
Here's my backyard in the snow.

Mom thought this plant looked pretty with snow on it.

I pees on the snow!

After my Grandmama lefts me, Mom took me to Generation Dog for a bath. I always smell so good after my bath, and I's always so happy to be clean.

I was such a good boy, I asked Mom if she would buy me some treats. She wasn't really getting the hint, so after this picture I went over to another bin and pulled out a bag of treats and said "this one! This is the one I wants!" It worked too. Mom bought me some yummy duck jerky!

Otherwise, my weekend was pretty boring. It's been really cold here, so I's been doing lots of sleeping. In the mornings while Mom gets ready to leave me, I gets in my bed with a stuffie or two and start warming up for my day of naps.

Today it's raining, so I's gonna be doing a lot more of this...

I hopes you puggies and peoples are all staying warm!
Harry, you look so very handsome after your bath!!! You did indeed deserve the treats!
Harry, I can't believe it snowed where you are! You totally look very handsome after your bath:D
Oh I sent you a little snow from Chicago, I hope you liked it.
You know its very convenient to get one's hair done and groceries in the same place. I don't understand why people grocery stores don't offer baths to our humans.
Oh boy! helping yourself to treats in the store. Well I am glads I am not the only puggers who does that. Mum gets so mad at petsmart for placing toys in bins low to the ground that I can help myself. She is then forced to purchase it for me as I have covered it in my slobbers. You should try it next time, it gets you a toy everytime.
Mom is LOL-ing at Pumpkin's comment! HAHAHAHAA!
Harry...did they give you MORE wrinkles when you got your bath?? You look like you're MELTING!
I hope you had fun in the snow! I like when it's as tall as me so I can tunnel through it and give mom heart failure! jerky? Mom is going to have to pick some of that up for me!
Hi Harry - You look handsome as ever after your baths. That snow looks like fun - we had just a tiny bits and now it is rain rain rain - I hates rain.
Very handsome, indeed! Your name should be Harry Snugglicious!!!
Careful peeing on stuff with snow Harry. You don't want to freeze your weenie off!
Yummers, good choice on the duck jerky!
Stella & Gunther
hi harry!
oh it looks cold everywhere! we did not think you would have snow too. stay warm my friend! we are so glad grandma came to see all of you! how fun!
m & e
Wow you had so many fun things this weekend. You are such a good pug peeing on the cold snows! Someday we will pees on it Mom says.
You do not need a bath to look as handsome as your are.
Ok, Harry... those wrinkly pictures of your sleeping might be the cutest EVER!!!!!!!
Harry, you are so dang cute. If you lived with me I'd let you pee on everything! (OK, so that's a lie.)
Hugs -
Hi Harry!
Your backyard looks beautiful with
all that snow! I bet it's really
cold! Hope you are staying
warm! Have a great
-Dana & Penny
I have no idea what snow is like but I sure do see a lot of it on the puggy blogs. We had ice on our that the same thing???
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