When we gots there, LuLu wasn't sure what to do. She just kindof stood there looking at the Mom.

So, I hads to take her paw and lead her around the park and tell her whats to do.
First, you gots to go sniff around. Check the park for pee-mail, see who's been here, stuff like that.

Then, you wants to find a good place to leave some pee-mail of your own and let everydoggie knows that you's here and you gots some territory.

Try to makes some new friends.

Make sure you keeps up with who you came with.

Finally, strut arounds the park and let everydoggie know you gots it going on.

After all that teachings, I was tired!

I think me being there to show her the ropes helped. She looked pretty happy even though she wanted to just sits in the Mom's lap all the time.

If you's wondering why there were so many Boston Terriers there, the Boston Terrier Rescue group sponsored this doggie meetup. It was lots of fun, so thanks Bham Boston Rescue!
There were other doggies too. Check out this cute little girl basset hound. She kept tripping on her own ears. It was really cute! (um, she may or may not be getting violated by that boston... we's sorry that's the only pic we got of her)

Hopes all you puggies and peoples had a good weekend too! We's so happy the weather is getting nicer and we can haves more adventures!