OMD! What a weekend we had. Mom started decorating the Christmas tree Friday night and that's when the drama started. When Mom pulled the tree out of the corner to put lights on, it started falling! She knew there was a crack in the stand, but when she and our friend J put up the tree Wednesday, J said it was stable. Now we think he was just ready to get tree sap off his hands and go get the beer Mom was buying him for helping us with the tree ;-)
Anyways, Mom had to prop the tree up, go get a new stand, get our neighbor to help us put the tree in the new stand (it's really big and heavy so Mom needed help). Then she could finally start deocarting. She got the lights on Friday night and then Saturday we started putting on ornaments.
Midi helped Mom unwrap the ornaments from all the tissue papers. I tried to stay out of the way (can you see me?)

Mom has lots of ornaments, but I's gonna show you some of her favorites.
Mom is from the gulf coast and she LOVES New Orleans. So, she has lots of these fleur de lis thingies around the house, including this one on the tree.

For some reason there's a pickle on the tree. Mom says it's an old tradition. I dunno about that.

There's lots of cats on the tree. I guess that's cause Mom has always had a cat and she's had Midi for 13 years! This cat Mom got in Beverly Hills on Rodeo Drive. She said it was the only thing she could afford!

A few years ago she got on a reindeer kick....

Another cat - this one is really pretty, but where's the pug???

Cat - one of Mom's friends gave her this because it reminded him of Midi.

Another cat!

Finally! The pug! The one and only pug ornament I might add!

The full tree....

Here's the buffet in the dining room. Mom was a dancer, so you'll see more about that in a minute....

Now, for the Nutcrackers. I said earlier that Mom was a dancer. Well, she was a belly dancer. What's that? Mom? Oh, ok. She was a ballet dancer - apparently that's kinda different. Anyway, there's some big thing about nutcrackers and Christmas and Mom has a big ol' collection of them.

So, that's it for the decorations! I hope you had fun looking at them.
But before I go, let me tell you about the rest of the drama. Sunday it started getting really cold (it had been in the 70s), but Sunday night it was going down to like 19 or something! When Mom tried to turn the heater on nothing happened. So, we had no heat for the night or the next morning! We were all snuggly in the bed and didn't want to get up Monday morning. Luckily the heater guy came and fixed the heater... when he got there I tried to get him to play with me.
How could he not play with me and my froggy??? Ok, he threw it for me once, but I still felt neglected.

Merry Christmas everypug and persons!!!! We's headed to Mobile tomorrow. So, snorts & kisses till next times!