The box had lots of presents in it so me and Mom opened them up. The first thing we found was this little bag with treats in it!!! It was full of treats! That must be why it says "Joy" on the outside!
I couldn't wait to try them out and I was not disappointed!!!

Then we opened another present and I gots this snazzy tie!

Mom even got some presents! She got this cool sign that says "Go Saints" and a pug hook to hang my leash on (ok, maybe that's for me) and a portrait of moi!

How pawesome is that?!?! You wants to know who my Secret Santa is don't you? It's Punchy and the puggies, Chloe, Zoey, Rosie & Marty! Wasn't that sweet of them? Thanks so much - I loves my pressies and Mom does too!
I apologizes that Mom didn't take better photos but she says she had to get back to work. Thanks again!!!!!
Glad your gift finally arrived! I was getting worried! Hope mom knows the Pug plaque hangs from the Go Saints part?
Oh, Harry, I forgot to mention how dashing you look!!!!
Harry, you got GREAT gifts!!!!!
Those are the coolest presents! Your having a very Merry Christmas!
Hugs & Snugs
Eduardo the Snuggle Puggle
hi harry!
oh you got a wonderful package! we love punch's art. you totally scored! :)
happy holidays to you and your whole family!
m & e
You and your Mom are so lucky to get such great presents! And you look so handsome in that tie...and very proud to be wearing it!
Pug hugs and kisses!
The Pug Posse
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