Hey there Pugs and Peoples! It's been a very cold couple of days for me and Mom and Midi T. Kitty. We didn't have any of the heat for TWO nights! Mom stayed home with us yesterday morning while the heater man came over but he couldn't fix our heater. He said the electrician man had to come fix it.
That man didn't come until this morning because we rents our apartment from a bunch of morons who have no sense of stuff being urgent even though we hads no heat and the temps were in the 20s last night. So, Mom was home with us again this morning while the other guy came to fix our heater.
Mom worked from home and me and the Midi did our best to keep her warm. She saids it's hard to type when there's a puggie in your lap with his chin on the laptop, but I dunno what she's talking about. She saids it's also hard when the Midi Kitty walks across the laptop and turns it off.

Mom is so uptight!

So, I had to try to get warm by getting in my toybox with my stuffies!

Keep me warm, Tiger and Snowman and Froggie and, ohhh I can't names you all. Just keep me warms!

Midi said she should be getting paid for working so hard on such a cold morning!

So, we gots the heats again and Mom went to work and left us. So, send us fun things to read 'cause we's bored.