Before I gets started on that I wants to tell you about this fun contest thingie. I know some of you (Manicdote) loves to scrapbook - so this could be the thing for you. Plus it helps rescue puggies. It's the 2009 VALENTINE’S DAY SCRAPBOOK PAGE CONTEST - read more about it here: Looks like it helps out puggies in Milwaukee. I dunno where that is but there are pugs in need everywhere, right?!? Right!
I know you're all wondering about my holidays. Well, they were awesome! I went to my grandpawents house in Mobile. While I was there my uncle and grandpapa gave me lots of things to eat. My uncle is a sucker so I hung around him a lot! A few times my grandmama or grandpapa would try to pugnap me, but I would run back to my Mom's room and tell her. (Note from Harry's Mom: In the mornings, I would try to let my Mom take Harry for his walk so I didn't have to get up but he would run back to my room and look at me like "something's wrong here! they are trying to pugnap me!" One morning Mom made it outside with him but as soon as she put him down he ran back in the house and straight to my room. He's so silly).
I gots to open my presents when I was there, but we don't have pictures. They are on the other camera - the one that belongs to my grandpawents. I gots a candy cane chew chew and a snowman head (not to be confused with snowman that I got before Christmas). I also gots some cookies from Generation Dog.
Midi got some kitty treats and a snowman(but it's much smaller than my snowman!). Here's some pictures of her (you see how Mom is favoring her all of a sudden).

Me and the Midi have been getting along pretty good lately. She waits a little bit before hissing at me and trying to hit me when I tries to sit by her. So, it's all good.
I knows you wants to see more pictures of the puggie, so here are some pics of me on New Year's Day.
Mom kept me up too late waiting on her to get home New Year's Eve

Turn that light out, I's trying to sleep!

Hope you pugs and peoples are having a good year so far.
Hi Harry! I am glad you had a great time on Mobile. We spent new year in Cocoa Beach and the weekend in Saint Augustine. The weather was gorgeous!
Harry, we are glad you had a great holiday. We missed you. We are glad you are back. I wouldn't walk with someone other than my mom either!
Harry, I missed you! It sounds like you MIGHT have been kind of spoiled rotten visiting all of your family! I am NOT surprised that they LOVE you!
hi harry!
we missed you too! we are so glad you had such a wonderful holiday!
2009 is going to be so much fun!
m & e
Happy New Year! Glad to hear you had a good holidays there.
Happy new year, Harry! Sounds like you had a really nice Christmas! That is funny that you kept running back to your mom. I think I would do the same. When I was visiting my grandparents at Christmas, my daddy went outside without me for a minute and I screamed so loud! I thought he was leaving me alone with my grandparents... haha... (My mom was insulted because she was right beside me and I still did that.)
Love Clover xo
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