Let's see. I hads surgery on my eyes. That was pretty awful but Mom says I's even more handsome now! I gots to to go to a couple of pug rescue fundraisers (Mom dressed me up like a turtle for one of them). I gots a snowman and had a big fun Christmas exchange with my blogger friends! I wents on some Valentine's dates with my girlfriends (Hey, Pearlie-poo, Clementine, Rosie, and Pumpkin!)I gots a new toybox and it snowed in Birmingham! I turned 3 and hads a big party! Me and Mom spents lots of time together hanging out in the park and at restaurants. Me and the Midi moved! Mostly the best thing about this year was being loved by my Mom and all my friends (especially my bloggie friends!)
So, wants to know what I did on my Gotcha Day?!?
Me and the Mom gots up early and went to the Farmer's Market. Mom was too sleepy to remember her camera, so you's gonna see pics taken with her cellphone.
There was a guy there making dog bowls! He had this big spinny thing and he put a big glop of clay on it and made a bowl!

Then Mom held me down and made me put my paw in the wet bowl. Ick! But she says now it's gonna be all mine and Midi will know it's mine cause my big ol' paw print will be right there in the bottom of it!

Then Mom went and did her Saturday stuff but when she came home she brought me a big present!

What's in here, Mom?

Monkey! Monkey! Monkey!!!!

(No, Harry, it's a gorilla)
Monkey! Monkey!! Monkey!!!!!!!

Look, Mom. I gots a monkey on my back!!!

I also gots some yummy treats. The treats and the monkey are from Generation Dog.
Come on, Mom. Gives me the treats!


And all thats happened before like 4:00! I's gonna tell you about my party later. Hope you pugs had a great weekend!
hi harry!
oh what a fabulous gotcha day celebration!
i think your mom loves you just a little bit. :)
we cannot wait to see more!
m & e
Oh Harry, your mom is the best! She spoils you rotten, just as you deserve to be!
I can't wait for all the fun we'll have in your 3rd year with your momma!
Harry, looks like you had a wonderful gotcha day. That's pretty cool that you got to put your paw in the bowl and make it a one of a kind :)
What a cool monkey you got, Harry!!! And treats and a new, special, one-of-a-kind dog bowl.........and a party! Wows, you one lucky puggie!
Oh we have a monkeys too Harry minus the cute hat! You area so cute in your posts happy birthdays!
Harry - that is the best idea evfur to get a paw print bowl - Happy Gotch Day!
Harry, it looks like you had a great Gothca Day! We sure are glad your momma gotcha :-)
Pug hugs and kisses!
The Pug Posse
Happy gotcha day buddy!
Happy gotcha day sweetie!
Happy Gotcha Day! Looks like you had a very cool celebration!
Harry, looks like you had a great Gotcha Day!! I can't wait to see the pictures from your party!!
Hi Harry! Looks like your gotcha day celebration just rolls on! I love the bowl with your paw print in it. That is so cool!
That gorilla looks like Magilla. Hahaha. I bet you are going to have fun tossing that guy around.
Stubby xoxo
Wow! Your bowl is going to be awesome!
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