Happy Tallulah Tuesday, everyone!
Oh pugs, did we have an exicting weekend! That lady that Mom says is my "grandmama" came to see us. She brought LOTS of stuff with her. I thought maybe she was gonna move in with us! She brought chairs for our veranda, lots and lots of fabric, a sewing machine, a ladder, all kinds of crazy stuff!
Then she put my Mom to work. ALL day Saturday and ALL day Sunday all she and Mom did was put stuff together, hang stuff, arrange stuff, paint stuff. Tubby and I were exhausted watching them!
When they finally finished, Mom had this crazy curtained off area in our bedroom that she calls our new "closet". Plus we now have pictures on the walls.

Those are pictures of me and Tubby. Mom says to tell you our walls aren't quite that color - they are more "subtle", whatever that means.

That's a picture Mom really likes. I'm not sure why, there are no pugs in it.

After that lady left, I spent Monday evening relaxing on the veranda - while also guarding us and keeping everyone safe.

Tubby was really tired from weekend. He pretty much melted into the sofa.
Hope everyone else had a great weekend!