Ok, Mom! Enoughs with the sappy stuff. Let's get to the pictures!
Mom took these piccies before we even gots on the road good after she picked me up at my foster home. I had a really good foster Mom, but I was happy that I was going to my furever home!

It took about a year, but Midi T. Kitty finally started playing with me. Here we are right around my 1st anniversary. Yeah, I misses her.

Mom got me my very first Summer collar that year!

Mom also made this little photo slideshow to celebrate my 1st year with her.
Last year was my 2nd Anniversary. We hads all kinds of fun. First I gots a go-go-rilla.

And then, we hads a party just for me! Here I am at my party.

Mom made a more fancy slideshow for me last year.
I's so happy that I's made such good friends during these last 3 years. Thanks for being there to make my life in my furever home the best it can be. Thanks to Southeast Pug Rescue and Adoption too! You mades me the happiest pug ever!
Harry Love,
My typist doesn't get on the 'puter much over the weekends, so I want to go ahead and wish you the HAPPIEST Gotcha Day!
I loved looking back at what fun the last few years have been. I hope you know what a blessing you are to your momma.. and to ALL of us that get to love you! You are just a joy!
Happy 3 years, my sweets!
your Pearly Poo
Hi Harry! Happy early Gotcha Day! Three years and going strong. You are very lucky to have a mom that loves you so much.
My mom told me all about her visit with you and Lulu and she said you were a perfect gentleman just like I knew you'd be. I hope you have a great time celebrating on Sunday and that you get lots of treats.
Stubby xoxo
Pee-s: Mom totally forgot about my Gotcha Day last month!
Oh Harry, glad you found your forever home. My mommy is a pug foster mommy and it makes her heart glad to know that foster puggies find happy forever homes!
Harry happy Gotcha Day! Aren't these the best days in our lives. You sure look super cutes on the ride home 3 years ago, oh and you are still super cutes.
Hi Harry,
I am so glad you found the best forever home ever. Thanks for sharing with all of us. I love your videos and slide shows, they made my Mommy's eyes leak. I hope you make one celebrating your 3rd year. Have a great weekend celebrating!
Happy Gotha Day HARRY
And do you know how happy you have made us? Because we get to look at your CUTE face and we get to read about your adventures,,,, so we are very happy to know you,,,,
and you know what????
you always make us smile
Hi Harry, We want to wish an early Happy Gotcha Day!! We are so glad that you found your furever home!!
Pugs & Kisses,
Yoda & Brutus
Harry, these pictures that show the history of how you found your forever home just warmed my heart! I am so glad you are right where you're meant to be :]
happy happy gotcha day sweet harry!
we love u!
m & e
Awww, cute pics. Happy Gotcha Day, Harry! I'm glad too that your Momma adopted you! Looking forward to seeing you soon!
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