So, I get to blog today about something very exciting! Saturday I had my very first REAL birthday celebration! My foster mom said my birthday was in May, so Mom decided we would make May 22nd my birthday. I get to share it with Punchy!!!
My birthday weekend didn't start out too good. Friday night me and Harry got baths! Harry's weird because he goes right into the shower when Mom tells him he's getting a bath. Then he runs around like crazy when he's finished with his bath like he's just had the best thing in the world happen. I hate the bath! I just stood there scared to death the whole time. Then when it was over I ran around like crazy because I was free!!!!! Between the being bathed and the running around after, me and Tubby were pretty tired.

My actually birthday started out really good. Mom put me in my new birthday bandanna and took me to the Farmer's Market.

Ok, she took Tubby too.

I'd never been to the Farmer's Market, but there were TONS of people there - and some dogs too! Right when we got there we met a very handsome pug named Louis (Louie). Mom says she didn't take pictures because she had her hands full with us... whatever. I'm telling you, she's a slacker!
So anyway, we saw lots of people and there were foodables everywhere! One of Mom's friends met us there and he got to walk Harry while I stayed with Mom. Want to hear what Harry did??? (hee hee... it's so funny!) While Harry was walking with Mom's friend Stan, Harry would walk over to random women, sniff their legs and sit or stand right beside them! Stan thanked him for "helping a brother out". Mom said it was typical that he would do that for Stan but Harry's never gone to work for Mom like that! I guess it's up to me to bring the cute guys to Mom!
After the Farmer's Market we went home and boy were us pugs tired! We layed our bellies on the cool floor and Mom went next door and brought THIS back.

Her name is Bama and her daddies asked Mom to keep her while they were away that day because they were afraid she would have her puppies while they were gone. Imagine that. This hussy wanted to come to MY house on MY birthday and have puppies! I told Mom I needed better treatment than that!
So, she loaded me and Tubby up in the car again and took us to the pet store where she bought me (and Tubby) new chew bones!
Hey, Tubby! Down in front!

I really don't know why she brought him. It is MY birthday!

I'm telling you, Tubby would not sit or stand still the entire visit to the pet store!

Later that night, this popped out of preggars.

I guess it's a puppy. It could be a panda bear for all I know... or a gerbil.

At least the day ended on a good note. I got BOTH chew bones when we went to bed!

On Sunday we just hung out at home. Mom took us for a really long walk. Then we sat on the deck for a while. I really enjoyed my first birthday celebration. Mom looks like a hot mess in this pic, but I think you can see how happy I am!

Happy Birthday LuLu!!! Your birthday sounds fabulous (even if you did have to share it with your CHARMING brother who LOVES YOU very much!!!!)
OMG...that Preggars Hussy popping out the gerbil is quite a story!!!! Wow! They should name that puppy after YOU since it was born on YOUR birthday!
Oh Lulu, I am sooo glad you got to celebrate your birthday! What did we ever do without you!?
You know you are one of my BFFs, but since Harry and I date, I feel like I should defend him. So stop calling him Tubby, ok!? He is FLUFFY. It's ALL fur. He is slim and trim under that fur, I tell ya! Downright SKINNY!!
Happy 2 years old, sweet girl!!
Nice to meet you Lulu! We would like to wish you a happy birthday. No birthday is complete without chew bones. We have peanut butter twisty rawhides that are simply dogmazing. Hey we live in Birmingham too and go to Pepper Place (farmer's market) during the summer! I bet you were at Do Dah Day and we missed you. Dang. Well give us a holla at our brand new blog.
Sighs (Kitty), and Snorts (Coco)
Happy Birthday Lulu! Going to the pet store is always fabu, even if you did have to share it with Harry. Oh, and FYI, we run around like crazy after our bath too.
And wow! Gerbils being born on your birthday. Is that like a Chinese omen or something?
Stella, Gunther and Betty
Oh's we love love lOVES your post today LuLu!! And Happy Birthdays to yous!!!
Wow, a farmers market...Harry be all flirty flirts with the lady's~
A pregnant Doggie... and 'den her givin' birfs to babies~
Miss LuLu! Yousa shared lots of your big day, oh's and Punchy's b-day too! You needs a great big giant cookie for being so patient with every tings- oh and 'da baths too...can't forgets 'bout the baths!
But Lulubells - Your Momma loves you lots we can tells,
and yousa cutes too!!!
Josie, Izzy and Anakin Man (tanks for your kind words to me's)
Happy birfday Tallulah! Oh you are so cutes in your pictures. Well the ones without Tubby standing in the way hehe!!
Happy Birthday Little Lulu!
You are so adorable all dolled up with your new scarf. And then to the stores to get chewy bones.
How fun is that,!
That was real excitement seeing those gerbils be born!
Happy Birthday cutie
Happy Birthday, Ms Lulu. You just look beautiful in your bday scarf.
Hope they named a gerbil after you since it was your special day.
ps: congrats on snagging both chewy bones. very well done.
Happy Birthday Lulu,
It looks like you had quite the celebration. (Aside from the bath of course) Farmers markets, foodables, pet stores, bandanas ans babies. What fun. Thanks for sharing with us all. You gave me some ides for what to ask for next year!
Come on by and join our all girl sunflower club. Something you can do without your bro.
Happy Birthday Lulu! That's cool that you got to go to the Farmer's Market and later to the Pet Store to get some bones! Your Mom definately deserves some nice licks for that. As for Harry - since he enjoyed the fun on your Birthday, that means that YOU get to enjoy the fun on his Birthday! :)
How dare Preggars try to steal the spotlight on your big day. But I guess you have to be a little sympathetic that she had to go through all that without her Daddies, and had an alien gerbil puppy at that. I agree with Salinger; you should be honored with the name. Maybe the puppy could be named Lahtall?
LuLu, I'm so glad you had such a great birthday!!! Every puggy deserves to have a Happy Birthday! Even if the momma did bring the pregnant Hussy over, it's still your day!!! Here's to many more Happy Birthdays!!!!!!!!!!!!
Happy belated Birthday wishs Miss LuLu....
George the nasty...
in Las Vegas
Happy Birthday Lulu and just think now you have another furry thing to share your birthday with, Bama's baby.
Louie wants to know who the other Louie is, are you cheating?
Libby and Louie
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