Idaho (I likes potatos!)
Utah (do Mormons not like pugs?)
New Mexico
South Dakota
Louisiana (I's shocked by this!)
(Granted, not so surprised by those last two)
Pugs we needs to raise awareness of the lovableness of pugs in these states! If you know a pug lover in one of these states, encourage them to blog - and to read my blog! (shameless self promotion, I know!)
So, lots of other stuffs to talk about. It was my birthday Sunday and I didn't get a big fancy party like some puggie, but I gots a little special treatment. Obviously Mom is slacking on my blog - she hasn't even changed out the header yet!
I'll fills you in later.
Yesss! Oklahoma is greeen!!!!!!!
You know I love you, Harry!!!
PS How do you check stats? Cool!
Harry, do you not know Brutus the Frenchie? He follows pug blogs and he's from Ohio! Maybe you just needs to makes his aquaintance! How dare there not be pug loving states! Illinois is green!! :D
Important stuff first:
Happy Belated Birthday, Harry!!!!!!!!
And ya know I love ya...and even Lulu, too. I cross-posted your blog entry to my fb page to see if anyone from those white states would step up. Paws crossed.
Hello Harry pug! (and Lulu)
We are the Elgin Puggies and we have been following your bloggy!!!
We likes you lots! You guys are cutes and funny and have a super cool Mommy for allowing yous to be's parts of the bloggy worlds. We just started our bloggy in March! We are still trying to make friends!
We would love to have you two stop by our bloggy sometime too!!!
Josie Izzy Anakin
Oh's and pee-s...
HaPpy Belated Birfdays Harry!!!
Hmm, I'm representing Georgia as a visitor not as a true pug owner (though I've had a half pug in the house for fat camp a couple of times if that counts.) WE love you Harry and LuLu!
We agree with dw - you need to make friends with Brutus the Frenchie from OH - he is a fun lovin' guy and we are sure you guys will get along great!
Pugs & Kisses,
Yoda & Brutus
No worries Harry and Lul...Me and Pearly love you! Oklahoma representin!! Love Arlo.
Pee-S-Happy Birthday Harry!!
Hey....at least you know the Indiana loves ya:)
Pugs & Kisses
Pugsley & Lola
We are sorry we haven't been visiting as much, Harry, but we do love you very much. Sorry your mom didn't throw you a huge shindig. I didn't get one either.
The stats checker is cool.
Take care.
Roxy & Lucky
Dear Harry and Lulu
Of course I love you.
Do you love me?
I am in Oregon- its green, but not dark green. But green is green.
I hope you come to visit me too.
Late Happy , happy birthday Harry
Hi Harry and Lulu!
I'll try to help you out in the
Arizona area. I know a few people.
I hope you are having a great week!
What's up with all those white states?!?! Don't they know how wonderful you are? They need to get it together!!! You know Indiana loves you!!!! =)
Awww, me and my family LOVE you, Harry! I don't understand why Indiana isn't darker. I know of at least 36 Pugs here in Indiana that blog...although not all of them are active. I'm ashamed of how behind I am on my blog. It seems like I only have time to read all of my friends' blogs and comment, but no time for mine.
Yes, I'm a lucky Pug to have great pawrents to throw me such a great birthday pawty. I wish you didn't live so far away, so you could come. Or we could've had a joint birthday pawty. Happy Belated Birthday Harry!
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