My girlfriend
Pearlie-poo has the right idea! She's gonna hires a secretary to do her blogging (and other things). I thinks maybe me and LuLu are gonna have to do the same thing. Mom is a slacker!!!
We's not blogged at all since last week! Not that we's been doing a whole lot, but there has been some exciting stuffs to tell you abouts.
On Saturday morning Mom got our pugmobile out and took us the
Farmer's Market.

We's always a big crowd-pleaser in our pugmobile. And we's at just the right height for all the peoples to pet us!
When we got home the mailman knocked on our door and brought us this!

It's mail that came in the air! I wonders if that means an owl brought it like with that other Harry P.
Anyways, it was our Christmas in July prezzie from the
Kitty Quartet - Keiko, Kenji, Pricilla and Yuji!
Come on, Mom.... let us open it already!

Ohhhhh, do you see all the fabulous prezzies?!?! We gots some treats, a hedgehog (do they has hedgehogs in Australia?!?), a doughnut, a chew bone and a really pretty towel to help dry us off after baths. Don't I looks smashing in that towel?

Oh, yeah... Mom got a book. She's excited about it, something about stories of Australian dogs who work. Apparently those Australian dogs don't have everything figured out like us pugs!
LuLu was really happy about the prezzies, but I think she was kinda overwhelmed. I guess she's not used to getting lots of prezzies.

Her favorite thing was the hedgehog. Normally she's not a big fan of the stuffies, but she took this one away from me and played and played and played.

Even though we gots some treats in our gift package, Mom took us to the pet store this week to refill our treatables jar. Me and LuLu loves riding in the buggie!

Well, I hopes you all has lots of fun this weekend. I's on a mission to find a sock monkey bed like the one my buddy
S-Dog and
Those Elgin pugs gots!
Hey, do you thinks it's too late for me to send LuLu to Sunflower Camp???