We just finished up a REALLY LONG weekend. Mom was home sick Friday and then she was off on Monday, so we got in lots of naptime with her! The naps were great, but then she somehow found the energy to take Tubby to get a bath (which he needed), and then she gave me a bath yesterday. Sheesh!
Here's me and Tubby on the way to his bath.

What's that? Oh, that is just me! I guess Tubby's hiding at the back of the car. Well, here we are after his bath.

He thought he was all manly cause he got a baseball bandanna after his bath.
I still can't believe I had to get one of those bath things!

Yep, I'm a pug burrito. I don't love the hair dryer, so Mom wrapped me up in a blanket so I wouldn't get cold. Pug ears take forever to dry!
If my bath wasn't bad enough, we had a visitor all weekend. Her person was out of town so she kept coming upstairs to hang out with us. The nerve!

Even Tubby got tired of it. Here's he's saying "MOM! Please makes the kitty go home!"
I hope everypuggie out there had a great July 4th! Sending special pawsitive healing vibes to Stubby and The Foo - and any other puggie who's not having the best of luck with their health these days!
We just read Pearlie's blog. Sending pawsitive thoughts her way too!
We all got baths yesterday too!!! Mom even gave the cat a bath... He didn't like it and peed on mom! It was pretty funny! Hope your mama feels better soon!!!
Amen sister, pug ears do take forever to dry.
You didn't mention a nail clipping in addition to your bath. LUCKY.
Hope you had a great holiday weekend and your mom gets her pep back.
Sighs (kitty), and Snorts (coco)
Hi Lulu and Harry
I am sure you must be squeaky clean now after the bath.
Mommy wraps me in a blanket or towel too, so I do not get cold.
I hope your mama feels better and that you are enjoying your new home.
I have been saying prayers for all the doggys and fluffys who need help.
Hi Harry and Lulu!
So fresh and so clean!
Daisy and I hope you guys are
getting settled into your
new place. We hope your
mom is feeling better
-Dana & Daisy
The momma says she likes to cuddle with a soft, clean pug!!! Kind of makes the bath worth it if I know I'm getting extra cuddles!! =) And yes, pug ears do take forever to dry!!
~Happy Hump Day~
We got treated to a spa day too. Momma says it takes on a whole new meaning with 5 of us now... BOL!
Watch out for that alien kitteh Harry!
Stella, Gunther and Betty
You know what I say about modeling. I get paid to take a bath, and I pose for the pictures for free.
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