What's that? Oh yeah, LuLu is excited too.
Mom spent a lot of time last night cleaning. I thinks she still has some work to do. Really Mom, can you please sweeps up the LuLu hair?

LuLu and I are restings up waiting on our friends to come. Mom says I's resting more than LuLu. I's not sure why she says that.

Mom also says she thinks I may be part harp seal. Again, what is she talkings about?

You wants to know who's coming to sees me? My gal Libby! and Louis is coming too. I's finding a really nice comfy spot for me and Libby.

Ok, Mom. I gots to rest now. Put the camera away and go to work. I's gonna let everypuggie know about my weekend next week!

Harry! How FUN to have Libby and her bro coming to town!I bet you'll have a great weekend.
By the way, harp seals are soooo cute! So I think that's a compliment to you!!!!!
Yeah soemtimes my Mom says I look part harp seal thingy too Harry...whatevers they just jealous. Have fun with Libby and her lil bro!!!
I hope you have fun, but don't forget about your favorite Japanese Chin.
Mum says I do the seal pose too! I is just so darn comfy what can we says. Have a great weekends. Oh yah are you sures that it is just Lulu's hairs on the floor? BOL
Harry, how do we say this?... Dude you are roll-a-lisicous! We have roll envy.
Have fun with with Libby and Louie!
Stella, Gunther and Betty
My Mommy laughed at the harp seal comment. I don't know what she's talking about either. I can't wait to read about your fun with Libby!
Hi Harry and Lulu!
I hope you two had fun hanging out
with your friends! I love your
sexy wrinkle pictures! Hope
you have a great week!
Thank you so much for supporting my race Harry! I really appreciate your support.
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