Last weekend, Mom and a friend of hers took me and the LuLubug on an adventure. She loaded us into the car and we drove and drove until we finally came to this park. Apparently the park has lots of Civil War history, but I don't knows much about all that. I's just a pug.
The reason we went is because Mom's friend wanted to go see a lot of these.

There was an antique tractor and engine show. Mom just went because she was putting off organizing our new place and she felt like me and the LuLubug could use some exercise.
Here's me... Mom wouldn't let me do my business here - but wouldn't it have been GREAT!?!

We saw this big deer.

Oh, Mom says it's not that of deer.
Anyway, it was really hot outside, so we went to cool off in this stream.

Yeah, I wasn't really exciteds about the water. LuLu seemed to like it though.

I'm tellings you puggies... she's weird.
When we were leaving we really did see a deer!

Now, I's just wondering what that crazy lady has in stores for us this weekend.
Hi Harry! You guys are always doing something cool. I think I need to come to the 'ham and hang out with you. Maybe next time Mom will take me on her road trip.
It's so hot here that I can only go out for short periods. I'm walking better but I prefer to do my walking inside where the ac is always on!
Stubby xoxo
Pee-s: My word verification is 'pugeli'!
If your mommy was standing in the water with some hot dogs I bets you would be jumping in feets first!
Sounds like a fun daytrip to me :]
Hope the water kept you cool (even if you didn't like it so much!)
Wow we didn't know there were two kinds of deers! We thinks you should have done your business on the big wheel lol!
Josie wants to know if that Reindeer
was Rudolph!!
She's so silly...
Oh wait... hold on...
my tooth is loose...
Anyways, Josie belief's in ... hold on....
Oh's I better go...
Sponge Bob Square Pants is on now!!
Anakin Likes 'da big trackers!!
Hi Harry
I loved to see your adventure.
I have never seen the green deer before- just the brown ones. I guess Oregon only has one kind.
Did your feet and Lulu's footies gets nice and cold in that stream?
I think it looked like great drinking water.
I cannot wait to hear about your next adventure
hi harry and lulu!
what a great weekend you all had!
we cannot wait to see what you did this weekend!
my mom was so excited because she got to start her weekend by getting to talk with your mom on the phone!
that was so much fun!
m & e
Hi Harry love!
Your momma is always taking you two on fun adventures. I think I want to come love with you.
Hi Harry and Lulu!
Your adventure looked like fun!
We can't wait to see what you'll be
up to next!
-Dana & Daisy
Hello Harrys Mom, question have you ever thought of putting Harry and now Lulu in a book? Similar to the Wilson books? I really have to have a Harry fix now and i look everyday for a new posting, just saying maybe you could think about Harry's adventures?
Cynthia in Las Vegas, and my George the nasty pug
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