I started the day off getting all spiffy for my ladies. Mom took me to Generation Dog where I got a shampoo and a pawdicure.

Then we went home and she tooks some pics of me so we'd have memories of my first big date (or four).

My first date of the day was with my darling Clementine. She lives with Winston, so I knew he'd wants to spend lots of time with her but I did get to takes her to lunch. Since it was lunch I had to makes it extra special so we went to a Winery. You wouldn't believes how many there are in Virginia! We founds one that was pet-friendly and served lunch and we had a nice little tour and a really nice lunch.
We tooks some time to just sit and enjoy the view before I had to takes her home.

Early evening I went and picked up my little Pearlie-poo for drinks and appetizers. She had lots of dates too on Valentines! Luckily her Mom wasn't too upset with all the dates Pearl had made and let me pick her up and take her out.
We had a wonderful time... I had a violinist play to set the mood ;-)

After drinks with Pearl, it was off to the windy city to have dinner with my beautiful super-model Pumpkin.
Let me tells you, we really had to dodge the pawparazzi. I had a nice romantic table set for us in a private room at the restaurant so we wouldn't be disturbed. Pumpkin and I hads a wonderful dinner together. She's so pretty and sweet. I's a lucky pug to go out with such a famous lady!

After dinner I had dessert plans with Rosie. I got to Rosie's and boy did she have on an outfit that really made this puggie go WOOF!!! She acts all shy and stuff but she's a fireball! We grabbed some sweets and then decided to take advantage of her pawrents being out of the town. We wents dancing all night!

Thanks again to all my lovely ladies for sharing their Valentine's Day with me. I's the happiest puggie in the world!
Oh Harry, we had such fun, didn't we?! Looks like you were a perfect date to all of us!
hahaha, Harry - Clementine loved her winery date. that is exactly what she would love to do. (Clementine has actually been to a real Virginia winery!! Horton's winery - but she had to stay in the back of the car while her Papi and I did a little tasting. So your date was much better.)
LOL I LOVE the pic! Looks like you and Pumpkin had a great time!
-Pumpkin's Mom
Wow, Harry, you must have taken the town by storm. Glad you had so much fun on all your dates.
Harry - I had a great time - thank you for a wonderful date.
Love you, Rosie
hi harry!
boy you are a busy puggy! emmitt is taking notes!
you are his hero!
Wow Harry, you really know how to have a great time with the ladies! I had a great time with Pearl, too!
I had to come back and read this again it is soo funny and well done!!:)
Harry, I was so relieved to read your comment on Salinger's bloggie! I just can't stand to lose another one of my puggie boyfriends to that CLOSET!!
Harry, I have something for you. Come see.
Harry, you sure were busy!! But it looks like you had a fun time.
Thanks for my award recently! My dad is SO proud of my fort! It melted a lot last week, but maybe this weekend we will rebuild it.
Love Clover xo
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