Today is my sister Midi T. Kitty's birthday! She is 15 - by Mom's guestimation. I guess it's really Midi's "Foundya Day". Here's her story as told by Mom:

Fourteen years ago today, I was living in Mobile, Alabama with my BF at the time. We were out playing tennis on a really beautiful spring day and I heard a cat crying. My immediate thought was that the cat was trapped in a tree, so I went looking for it. It didn't take long to find her, she was trapped about four feet off the ground completely freaked out.
At first I thought something must be wrong with her because - otherwise she would just jump down, right? It's not like she was 10 feet in the air. So, my brilliant BF thought that if he poked at her with the tennis racket she would jump down. Nope. She climbed higher. I think it's important to mention at this point that the BF was highly allergic to cats so he didn't really know much about them.

Anyway, I said "Maybe we should call the fire department". So, BF went in and called the fire department while I talked to the cat and tried to coax her down. BF came out a short time later with garden gloves and the news that the fire department doesn't really rescue cats from trees.
Now the kitty's fate was in my hands, so I climbed the tree, picked her up and handed her down to garden-gloved BF. Kitty stayed at the bottom of the tree looking at me - now stuck in the tree (I'm afraid of heights and had a real problem stepping backwards down the tree).
After I finally got down, we fed her some tuna and made an agreement that if I didn't find her people I could keep her - if she lived on the balcony (highly allergic BF). That's exactly what happened. She came to live with us, but since the balconey was no place for a cat 24/7, I asked my boss at the time if she could come to work with me. I was going to school and working part time at a recording studio. He said "Sure, if you name her something related to the studio." Dogwood Recording.. hmmmm. What do you name a cat who is going to work at Dogwood Recording?
MIDI - Musical instrument digital interface - Midi! So, she became Midi the Studio Kitty. She was in promotional materials, played all day in the studio, greeted all the customers, it was great.
My vet figured she was 10 months to a year when I found her, so we called it one year and set April 23rd as her birthday. She's been with me through so much. The very emotional breakup with that BF (and a few others), moving to Birmingham, moving to South Florida, moving back to Birmingham. She's always been there for me and she's unlike any cat I've ever known. She LOVES people and is very social. I'm so grateful to have had her in my life for this long and hope for many more great years with her.
So, Happy Birthday / Foundya Day / Gotcha Day Midi Kitty!