Today at work, they were giving out free pedometers to employees. I got one, wore it for a little bit but thought of a much better use for it. I'm going to track the pug's mobility while I'm at work! I call it the Great Pug Pedometer Experiment.
If you would like to join in, here's what you need:
A pedometer (this is just a cheapie, so I don't expect accurate results).

A collar - place the pedometer on the collar.

An unsuspecting, trusting pug. Place pedometer-clad collar on pug.

I suspect that Harry's movement after I leave for work every day consists of:
1. Hop on sofa
2. Climb to back of sofa and lie down.
3. Jump from nap spot upon hearing Mom's arrival home.
It may vary something like this:
1. Check to see if there's any food in bowl.
2. Hop on sofa
3. Climb to back of sofa and lie down.
4. Jump from nap spot upon hearing Mom's arrival home.
I may be surprised. He may travel 1,000s of paces while I'm at work. We'll see!
I can't wait to see how this turns out! I am 99.9% positive that Pearly takes a maximum of 10 steps all day...
That sounds like a great use for that pedometer! I would love to set up the video camera some day to see what the pugs do all day while we're at work!
Pug hugs and kisses!
The Pug Posse
BOL - that is a great idea. I think I do all my activity when the mommy gets home. I get so excited I run around in circles really really fast. They call me a cooky bird.
Loves from pugs,
Rosie Marie
BTW, Harry is as cute as ever in that picture!
Loves from pugs,
Rosie Marie
Oh Harry you are so lucky! I have to sit in my cage when mommy is gone. Otherwise I "inspect" the garbage and leave "presents" by mommy's desk.
OMD! I can't wait to see how many steps Harry takes! Mommy wants to do this, maybe she will get one of those things!
Hugs & Snugs
Eduardo the Snuggle Puggle
hilarious idea. can't WAIT to see the results!
We can't wait to see what Harry does as well. That should be very interesting. However, if it's too interesting, I bet mom will try this on me.
If I did this to would somehow register negative steps.
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